Google Public DNS

Google Public DNS. Primary DNS server address - Secondary DNS server address - Google Public DNS is easily the most commonly used and widely recommended third-party DNS services, most likely because Google is such a household name and their server addresses are easy to remember. Google WiFI – OpenDNS Just installed the latest google wifi network and was able to configure it to use openDNS. Open the Google Wifi application on your phone. Click on the icon with a gear (far right) Click on network settings. Click on Advanced networking. Click on DNS. Click on Custom. You will see places to enter 2 server addresses (Primary & Secondary) OpenDNS vs Google DNS: Which is Better With the entry of Google DNS, all that has changed. Here is a free service just like OpenDNS but which operates purely by standards and Google DNS is a faster option for many. So which service should you choose? Performance of Google DNS vs OpenDNS varies by country and by type of domains. Here are the results of performance data from 32 countries Google Public DNS Enter a domain or IP address here: or or 2001:4860:4860::8888

Sep 15, 2018

Jun 22, 2020 Make Safari faster, more secure with OpenDNS & Google Feb 05, 2019

Jan 20, 2014

Cloudflare created the fastest public DNS beating Google Jul 24, 2020 Cloud Delivered Enterprise Security by OpenDNS Consumer. OpenDNS is a suite of consumer products aimed at making your internet faster, safer, and more reliable. Learn more